Optimizing Systems of Objectives
Your Objective:
- All your employees act mutually - and work together in one direction.
For they do know exactly, which objectives they have to reach, and these are aligned uneqivocally with the objectives of the corporation.
Our Services:
- Optimizing systems of objectives realizes an unequivocal correspondence of the company-wide objectives of the whole enterprise with the subgoals of all employees. So it leads to a mutual goal-orientation of the entire personell.
- Optimizing systems of objectives solves the problem of unclear, incompletely formulated and diverging objectives, which often emerge in the course of everday business, and which are a main reason for inefficiencies in companies.
- Optimizing systems of objectives starts with the analysis of the current system of objectives:
Determing the current objectives of the company, as elaborated by the top management.
Evaluating the application and realization of the current objectives on lower managment levels.
Analysis of the measurement and incentives systems related to the current objectives.
Investigation of other, informal systems of objectives (person-orientated, cultural, etc.) and related measurement systems and incentives.
- Based on that follows the synthesis of a new, aligned and consistent system of objectives:
Integration of of formal and informal systems of objectives.
Optimization and alignment of the system of objectives for the whole company.
Formulation of detailed and complete decision critieria necessary for the realization of the new system of objectives on all levels of the company.
Adjustment of measurement and incentive systems.
- Please contact us directly for detailed information on our service "Optimizing Systems of Objectives".